I'm really torn between the two arguments about students carrying concealed weapons on campus. I know that if students have the proper safety training and licensing, then they should be deemed responsible to carry around a concealed weapon. However, the idea that hundreds or even thousands of students would have concealed weapons on campus makes me uneasy. I know most students are rational, and would be extremely careful with their weapon, but it's human nature to be irrational. Some would would feel better protected if more people carried guns around campus, but I'm not sure if I'd feel much safer. I think security on campus should be increased, and that every building on campus should have someone armed in case of an emergency. Maybe videos could be installed in classrooms so that security could keep tabs on the safety of students. Since individuals can be so rash, i would mind if students in my class were carrying guns, although i guess i wouldn't technically know. I would probably be more worried about chaos breaking loose in class and someone shooting off their gun than i would be about focusing on a class lecture. My family doesn't have guns in the house, unless you count our paintball and BB guns. I've always felt protected in my house without a gun, so i don't know why we would ever need one. I feel secure in my neighborhood, but i do recognize that violence can happen anytime. If my family grew up in a higher crime rate area, enjoyed hunting, or if my parents were cops, i may have a different perspective about guns.
If guns were allowed on the George Mason campus, then those he had them should have to go through rigorous safety training twice a year, have health screenings to ensure their mental stability and also a registered/licensed gun owner.
I believe that the strongest argument in favor of concealed weapons on campus is from a video on the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus website (http://www.concealedcampus.org/). In an interview from The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, a student that was shot during the Virginia Tech shootings spoke about the tragedy. Also, a man discussed how if guns are allowed on campus, events like this could be better prevented. I found this to be a strong argument because most people would not want a school shooting to occur, and would want to find a way to decrease the victims of a shooting.
A weak example that i found for carrying concealed weapons is from the CNN video. A man stated that because he is a wheelchair, he is an easy target. Also, he mentioned that he locks up his gun and is not some "trigger happy redneck". I do not agree with the fact that if someone is in a wheelchair then they are an easier target. If someone wants to go on a shooting rampage on a college campus, they are probably more concerned with finding people that have harmed them emotionally, or that they want to get revenge on. Shooters are also random though, and at the same time so concerned with making headlines so they shoot as much people as they can. You don't have to be a "trigger happy redneck" to become furiated and want to shoot someone. People that seem normal may have completely disturbed thoughts and plans.
The strongest argument in favor or prohibiting concealed carry weapons on campus is that it could increase violence. Guns could be accidentally shot, people could be distressed or angry and result to using their guns instead of solving a problem in a much less violent way (http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0418/p02s02-ussc.html ) A weak argument is that "Colleges are too crowded to safely allow the carry of concealed weapons." (http://www.concealedcampus.org/arguments.htm). So many people already carry guns in crowded areas like movie theaters and office buildings, which hasn't caused many problems yet. I do not think that teachers carrying concealed weapons would be any different from students. Most students in college are able to logical as reasonably as teachers can. There are some pretty wacky professors, and wacky kids. The positive aspect of a teacher carrying would be that one person would have control of the situation and that all the students wouldn't have to take out their guns. But what happens when the shooter kills the teacher first? The Second Amendment includes the right to bear arms, which has been interpreted many different ways. Some argue that it's individual, which is the right to bear personal weapons, and some say it's state, which means it's strictly for the militia. My reference is from a law website for legal professionals (http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment02/). I do not believe that the Second Amendment is a sufficient enough reason to allow students to carry concealed weapons. I think extensive training for carrying a gun need to be considered, and also in-depth background checks should be necessary.
1 comment:
The feeling of students carrying around guns on campus makes me feel uneasy too. I agree the argument is not necessarily black or white, right or wrong. In addition, students if anyone are the most susceptible to having accidents because it is human nature for us to make mistakes. I really respect your argument and felt you wrote exactly what I was thinking!:) Good Job!
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