Key and Fork
1. "Vegans: Pay no attention" I would try to use something catchy and humorous to get peoples attention. Most people have no clue that food causes global warming.
2. The audience for this ad is vast because everyone eats, so anyone can relate to it. I would target teens and adults in school, because they would be more likely to take the idea into consideration.
3. A good tone for this ad would be one with humor or irony to draw people in, and then conversational with logos and pathos to back up back up the argument and appeal to people emotionally. I could explain how ironic it is that people are concerned with the cars they're purchasing, but they're neglecting to see other isues at hand that they also deal with about three times a day. Many people may not want to read in depth about the science of this issue, but instead get the basic facts about it so that change can be made. Once people realize that what they eat contributes to global warming, they may think twice about their food selections.
4. For the introduction i would use statistics on how much meat/dairy products people eat, how it affects global warming, and compare that to the statistics of transportation effecting global warming.
5. As for location, i would send this to schools and restraunts, and maybe post flyers on information boards.
Greenhouse Effect
1. For a title, i would use something matter-of-fact like "The Greenhouse Effect"
2. The audience that would most likely benefit from this ad would be students and adults interested in global warming.
3. The tone i would use for this would be a scholarly and logos-driven argument, with a lot of research about the Greenhouse Effect. Since the ad is not humorous at all, people attracted to it would probably be concerned with raw data.
4. I would probably write an introduction that states main and important facts about the Greenhouse Effect. Logos would be important for this.
5. I would put information about this in high school books for science classes. If kids were taking a science class, they would probably be tested on information like this, so it would be benefitial to have evidence about it, and a visual example.
Shark Lunch
1. "We're disappointing the sharks"
2. I would try to appeal to adults and teenagers, because they would understand the comedy of it and probably be interested in it.
3. The tone i would use for this would be satirical and humorous. I would discuss how the ad causes viewers to laugh because the sharks have no hope in getting 'food'. I would also talk about the serious nature of it, and how levels of water are affecting animals, not only sharks.
4. For an intro, i would most likely use statistics about the levels of water that's rising because of Global Warming, and how it's affecting animals.
5. I would put this in the washington post comics, because it has such a large spectrum of viewers.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Daddy dearest
As your daughter, i hope that you will consider a proposal that i would like to make regarding the purchase of a new Toyota Prius. I understand that this idea may seem far-fetched, but i would like to explain to you the benefits that it will be able to bring me, you, and even the environment! The Toyota Prius is a hybrid electric car, so it saves energy and is conventional. The Prius is economical when it comes to gas, and i know how you and mom worry about recent gas price increases. Driving the car would not only be a benefit to the car company of course, but it will benefit the environment because it has reduced noise emissions, and can reduce air pollution because it does not use as much fuel as some other automobiles. The Hybrid Prius is also equipped with saftey features such as: traction control, 3 year complimentary road side assistance, Anti-lock break system, driver and passanger air bags and front and rear crumple zones and side-impact door beams. If this list doesn't go into enough depth about the saftey issues, i'd like to offer you a website that provides more information on it. Website-- This car would be benficial to me because the car i have right now has so many miles on it, and will probably not last for much longer. My 45 minute commute 3 times a week to George Mason definitely ads up to the miles. Also, the car i have now isn't as economical as this car, and i think the Prius would save me more money in the long run. My driving record is clean and i have never been in any accident or received any tickets. The car can be benefitial to you because you will not have to worry about it breaking down while i'm at school, and wont be stressed to have to come pick me up when you're busy. I think that i can handle this responsibility, and am willing to help pay for the car, and for insurance on it also. I hope you will consider my proposal.
Love always,
Your little Sniddlebop :)
To my dear daughter,
I'm pleased that you have proposed this question in such a professional mannor including saftey issues and how the car will be a benefit to you. However, I do not think that your timing on this issue is ideal. Your mother and I are more concerned with helping pay for your college, then we are about purchasing a new car, that is not absolutely necessary right now. I understand that your car has a lot of miles on it, but the engine is just fine and we just recently got it repaired so it's in pretty good shape. However, maybe when your car is in worse shape, i will consider helping you out in buying a new car. I know that you are a responsible young woman, and i'm glad that you're concerned with the environment and with long-term benefits, but unfortunately i'm going to have to decline your proposal.
Thank you for considering my proposal. I understand that you are concerned with paying for college right now, and that setting priorities is very important. I also know how stressful financial issues can be, because i'm trying to manage saving up enough money to pay for half of tuition. However, I think that you should consider how important this car would be in the long run. I could sell the car i have now, and use that money to put towards this new car. I do not know how long i will be able to rely on the car i have now, and plus it doesn't have as many saftey benefits as the Toyota Prius. My car now does not have an anti-lock break system, which could be deadly in bad weather. Since my timing was not ideal as you said, i would be fine with waiting a little while until finances are not so tight. Maybe we could look into purchasing an older version of this car, or even a used, less expensive version that still has the same economic and saftey features as this car. I would be grateful if you reconsidered my proposal.
Thank you,
Your daughter.
As your daughter, i hope that you will consider a proposal that i would like to make regarding the purchase of a new Toyota Prius. I understand that this idea may seem far-fetched, but i would like to explain to you the benefits that it will be able to bring me, you, and even the environment! The Toyota Prius is a hybrid electric car, so it saves energy and is conventional. The Prius is economical when it comes to gas, and i know how you and mom worry about recent gas price increases. Driving the car would not only be a benefit to the car company of course, but it will benefit the environment because it has reduced noise emissions, and can reduce air pollution because it does not use as much fuel as some other automobiles. The Hybrid Prius is also equipped with saftey features such as: traction control, 3 year complimentary road side assistance, Anti-lock break system, driver and passanger air bags and front and rear crumple zones and side-impact door beams. If this list doesn't go into enough depth about the saftey issues, i'd like to offer you a website that provides more information on it. Website-- This car would be benficial to me because the car i have right now has so many miles on it, and will probably not last for much longer. My 45 minute commute 3 times a week to George Mason definitely ads up to the miles. Also, the car i have now isn't as economical as this car, and i think the Prius would save me more money in the long run. My driving record is clean and i have never been in any accident or received any tickets. The car can be benefitial to you because you will not have to worry about it breaking down while i'm at school, and wont be stressed to have to come pick me up when you're busy. I think that i can handle this responsibility, and am willing to help pay for the car, and for insurance on it also. I hope you will consider my proposal.
Love always,
Your little Sniddlebop :)
To my dear daughter,
I'm pleased that you have proposed this question in such a professional mannor including saftey issues and how the car will be a benefit to you. However, I do not think that your timing on this issue is ideal. Your mother and I are more concerned with helping pay for your college, then we are about purchasing a new car, that is not absolutely necessary right now. I understand that your car has a lot of miles on it, but the engine is just fine and we just recently got it repaired so it's in pretty good shape. However, maybe when your car is in worse shape, i will consider helping you out in buying a new car. I know that you are a responsible young woman, and i'm glad that you're concerned with the environment and with long-term benefits, but unfortunately i'm going to have to decline your proposal.
Thank you for considering my proposal. I understand that you are concerned with paying for college right now, and that setting priorities is very important. I also know how stressful financial issues can be, because i'm trying to manage saving up enough money to pay for half of tuition. However, I think that you should consider how important this car would be in the long run. I could sell the car i have now, and use that money to put towards this new car. I do not know how long i will be able to rely on the car i have now, and plus it doesn't have as many saftey benefits as the Toyota Prius. My car now does not have an anti-lock break system, which could be deadly in bad weather. Since my timing was not ideal as you said, i would be fine with waiting a little while until finances are not so tight. Maybe we could look into purchasing an older version of this car, or even a used, less expensive version that still has the same economic and saftey features as this car. I would be grateful if you reconsidered my proposal.
Thank you,
Your daughter.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Vietcong member turned into a martyr

- Those protesting the Vietnam War
- This photograph should be printed on the cover of a major newspaper mainly because it shows the barbarous nature of the Vietnam War. This public display of an execution is both unnecessary and inhuman. Even if the man being killed was a brutal murderer, that doesn't change the fact that the man should be given a fair trial. He does have a wife, soon to be widow, that will be left in ruins once he is dead. The Vietnam War is an avoidable disaster and this picture proves it.
- The US government in support of the Vietnam War
- This photograph should not be printed on the cover of a major newspaper because so many civilians will see it and view the government as less professional. We want to be viewed as taking care of things in an orderly and efficient way, and this picture does not show it. If civilians saw this, they may think we are unorganized and heartless.
- Eddie Adams in 1969
- This photograph should be printed. Although it doesn't tell the important details and truth of the history of Lam, it brings up an important point about photography. That is, that it has to be taken with a grain of salt. This is just like any other form of communication, whether it be media, newspaper articles, magazine advertisements, etc. This photograph stresses that you can't trust something without getting the whole story. Even though this photograph took away from Nyugen Ngoc Loan's respect, it teaches an important lesson of trust.
- Nyugen Ngoc Loan (man doing the execution)
- This photograph should not be printed for the sake of Nyugen Ngoc Loan's decency. This photograph is degrading to him, and makes him look less honorable for shooting a man who would be intitially considered innocent by viewers. Loan's family and friends would look at this picture and see a different man than the one they come in contact with. They would see a hostile and spontaneous man. When in reality, Loan was probably logical and reasoned. This photograph would serve no any other purpose to Loan than to humiliate him.
- Nguyen Van Lam's widow (widow of the man being executed)
- This photograph should not be printed. A widow does not need more reminders that her husband was involved in a the communist group, the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam. What wife would want to see her husbands face right before he died? This photograph would only bring back devastating memories. When a loved one dies, pictures of that person in a happy state are most comforting. This widow would already think about her deceased husband everyday, and why would it be worth it to remind her of the negative aspects of his life?
- A publisher who must decide if this picture should appear in a fifth grade history book (assume that the photo has now appeared in the newspaper and has won the Pulitzer Prize)
- This photograph should not appear in a fifth grade history book, unless it told the true story behind it. Fifth graders are strongly influenced by photographs, and would get the wrong impression from the picture. Automatically, they would assume that the man shot was unworthy of dying, and may not be able to take another side and thing abstractly about the event.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A safe baby and mommy, but a dead daddy. Is it worth it?

If i was including this image in an argumentative essay, i would argue the visual as proof of the tragedy the Iraq war causes. I would elaborate on lives left behind, like the mother and baby in this picture. I would also focus on how the casket is pushed aside, and has an American flag on it. Instead of being open casket, which may be grotesque and too hard ot deal with, the casket is closed and covered. A mother with a soon to be born baby would not need to see her husband's dead body because she would have enough to deal with already. The man in uniform in the back would be important to mention, because it shows the heroic and respectable aspect of the father who died.
The caption i would put for this photograph is "A safe baby and mommy, but a dead daddy. Is it worth it?" This caption is trying to appeal to Pathos, because death is an extremely emotional event. I wanted to emphasize how the mother and baby are still alive, but their hearts will be broken and unmendable because a wife will never see her husband again, and a baby will never meet his/her father. The logos in the caption is "Is it worth it?". This brings up the importance of whether the Iraq War should be fought or not, since it ends up killing innocent people.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Toys and body image.

Argument 1: "Evolving Ideals of Male Body Image as Seen Through Action Toys"
Harrison Pope, Robert Olivardia, Amanda Gruber, and John Borowieki argue a psychiatric view of action toys. They explain how these action toys are a reflection upon society's standards, and how they're a cause to men having negative body images. Collectively, they explain how as time has progressed, the size of male bodies in action toys has steadily increased. They gained this knowledge from measuring various body parts on the action toys (ie. biceps, chest, waist). Body dysmorphic disorder and muscle dysmorphia are two listed problems that the authors claim men deal with, that can cause them to be obsessed about certain body issues. These authors also expand on why the action toy image has changed, primarily relating it to the fact that overall people are more muscular than they were decades ago.
The tone of this argument is formal and reasoned. Most of the authors are graduates of Harvard, and are trying to make a scientific argument. They use measurements and dates for evidence, which makes their argument effective for people who want raw data to back them up. For example, the article mentions how "the earliest figure has no visible abdominal muscles; his 1975 counterpart shows some abdominal definition; and the 1994 figure displays...sharply rippled abdominals..."(pg.287). They give progressive dates to show the progressive change of the bodies. As audiences go, for this particular study i would pick a group of people interested in the facts, and people who want serious information of how toys have changes with their environment.
The assertions made in this article seem a little too far-fetched. I do believe that some ideas are credible, and that men do have body issues because of our culture, however connecting all that into toys seems almost ridiculous. They do have good evidence to back up their assertions though. I give them credit for that.
Argument 2: "G.I. Joe's Big Biceps are Not a Big Deal"
In deep contrast to the psychiatric view that the previous authors argue, Kim Franke-Folstad offers a less serious, and more personal perspective on Action Toys. Franke-Folstad claims her opinions about how ridiculous the psychiatrist of viewpoint (of Harrison Pope) is, and instead focuses on the fact that toys are toys. She emphasizes that it's better to have less realistic toys.
Franke-Folstad's tone is conversational and humorous. She focuses on telling the audience that looking at toys from a scientific perpesctive is absurd, because they are toys, and only toys. She's adament and very sure of herself in her assertions. For example she uses phrases like "Here we go again"(pg.292), referring to the size of G.I Joe's bicept being a "dangerous trend"(pg.292). She also says things like "But a plastic doll? To suggest that even little boys measure manliness by taking a ruler to their G.I.Joes is comical"(pg.292). An audience for this writer would have to have a sense of humor. I can see Franke-Folstad doing a comedy show about how absurd the Harvard assertions are. Franke-Folstad is effective in pressing her argument by being using casual language. She's not trying to make inferences about disorders men have , so she doesn't need to back up her evidence with years and measurements.
The assertions made in this article are just as extreme as the last. Both articles give the polar opposite views. In this article, the assertions were not from studies, but rather from the author's personal opinion. When i was a child my parents decided not to buy me any cooking/cleaning sets and toys because they thought that was influencing a certain role on me as a girl. Today i know that i dont have a "women stay at home and cook" viewpoint, but i think thats from the accumulated education i received growing up, and not so much the toys i played with when i was younger. In fact, i would have liked to have a kitchen set when i was little and enjoyed playing with them at my friends houses. Kitchen sets arn't the same as dolls and G.I. joes, but i think they idea is the same. I'm not sure that toys have such an impact on your body image, but i do agree that toys have changed in size because of how bodies have changed and standards have been raised.
Steroids: It can't be black and white.

That's a lot of questions. The fallacy of the arguments presented in the video is that there was no argument. The individuals questioned claimed steroids to have no bad long term effects, and that they were great as long as you used precaution, and are a "healthy adult male". If this is true, why would there be people going to court against steroids? Why is the president making statements about steroid use in sports? I dont think he would be against a simple side effect like "some acne and breast tenderness". Heck, i'd be up for something if that was the only side effect. Something had to have stunted the idea that steroids are bad.
Maybe steroids can be used responsibly, if someone is old enough is willing to take the chances. I do not see steroid use (for sports atleast) as acceptable or healthy for people in high school, and possibly even college. So many people overdose on drugs, and i can see this happening with steroids. How many people are not careful with steroids and over-do it? It seems like plastic surgery to me. That's an addiction to many, and it can cause serious side effects, like death. You can get infections from this, you could die.
I think the video i watched should be contrasted with the one on the bottom of this post: It shows my instinctive idea that steroids are detrimental.
Athletes and Steroids:
The UIL Anabolic Steroid Testing Program seems a little invasive to me. Going to schools and testing kids in grades 9-12 for steroid use? This is scary to me. The idea that kids can't be trusted anymore, and that they have to be tested for drugs at school. What's next, giving girls pregnancy tests? I'm not saying i'm against this, because i see where it could be handy. If high school kids are using steroids, i think they have a higher chance of developing life-threatening problems with them than some adults would. They may not see the long-term effects, and may be more concerned with getting buff for their crush. There should be different standards for high school vs. professional sports. High schools should not accept steroid use at all. Professional sports could allow it in certain circumstances, since it is the person’s choice. It's really hard to decide on this issue because I do see steroid use as a form of cheating, and would prefer it only used for medical reasons.
For the most part, i agree with Hoberman that "steroid use is an expected manifestation our culture's demand to be the best rather than merely do our best" Standards are set unusually high in our culture, and to reach those standards takes a lot of time and effort. When there's an easy way out, people grab it. Children look up to athletes, and these athletes shouldn't be frauds. Athletes should be healthy, and should work hard without using anabolic steroids to get where they want to.
If such drugs like these weren’t so easily accessible would this even be an issue?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Pro-ana websites: Communities and catastrophes

After viewing various Pro-ana(Anorexia Nervosa)/Pro-mia (Bulimia Nervosa) websites, I was shocked to see many of them full of "thinspiring" photographs to keep girls determined to be as thin, however they lacked substancial moral support. Yes, there are chat room and forums, but these consist of girls/women who already have a certain mindset, and are not likely to listen to anyone with a differing opinion. These websites are not helping anyone get healthier, they're only continuing a life-threatening disorder. Although the girls and women would most likely not see the termination of the website as a benefit, they may eventually come to realize that they needed help from doctors, family, and friends who cared about them increasing their life-span. If these websites were shut down, pro-ana and pro-mia individuals could gain the mental and physical strength that they needed to become relatively healthy again. As Davis mentioned in the article "A Secret Society of the Starving", "the sites reinforce the secretiveness and the 'specialness' of the disorder" (pg.273). When someone has a health problem, their initial instinct may be to not worry about it, because it could be something simple. Often that is the case, and the problem disappears. In this case though, a simple goal to loose 5 pounds can turn into a goal of 50, and can develop into OCD behavior ("Pollack mentions that both anorexia and bulimia are highly O.C.D.(pg.274)". If the sites are removed, pro-ana and pro-mia individuals will have to find another outlet that will help get them out of the all-consuming and dangerous lifestyle they're in. If they were given positive messages, and not bombarded with negative poems with phrases about not being able to do anything right, and never winning fights in life (see for poems), then they may have a more optimistic and positive attitude about changing their lifestyle. And hopefully, they could come to realize that there are other ways to live. For once, these individuals (primarily young adult girls) could worry about how they'll do on a test, rather than how many calories they've consumed in the day.
2. For Pro-ana websites

3. Middle Ground
It's difficult to decide whether pro-ana/mia websites should be terminated so that these individuals can find other outlets to get help with their condition, or if the websites should be kept so that these people can get support and live in a virtual community of people with common viewpoints. I've caught myself saying "i need to stop eating!" and "if i could just loose 15 pounds..." I dont really think about the seriousness of it, and am glad that i havn't taken drastic measures to lose weight or anything, but i can see how easily it is to becoming wound up in an idea like that.
If these websites were terminated, and the pro-ana/mia community was left to find these new outlets, would their conditions worsen? Would they be courageous enough to tell someone about their problems? Honestly, I dont know. I understand that the issue is potentially life-threatening, and could see people becoming involved in other self-destructive beheviors (cutting, drugs, alcohol, etc.) if they didn't have this personal website. On the other hand, i can take an optimistic view and hope that people would find confidence to lead themselves away from such a consuming disorder. One day they may see a rerun of Oprah's show on body disorders, and see a woman with an eating disorder who is hospitalized many times, and eventually dies. There are always people, events, and certain conversations that can change someones perspective about something, and make them strive to be different. These websites can be both communities and catastrophes.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Runners, joggers, and dead bodies?
This ad confused me when i first glanced at it. My attention was immediately drawn to the words "dead bodies". I was wondering why runners would be associated with dead people, and also if people would be persuaded to do their "civic duty and run" after viewing this ad. Am I suppose to be running so that i can help solve a crime? Maybe if i wear those dirty black shoes with hints of bright orange, then i can be just like detectives Benson and Stabler on Law and Order SVU!
Since I dont run, i kind of wanted to brush aside the ad. Why would it be important to me? However, i was curious to see what kind of point Pearl Izumi was trying to make. It seemed like he calling joggers weak and runners strong, which is a pretty blunt and potentially offensive statement to some people.
The background of the ad is black, which reminded me of death, and the text is white, which i thought could be an reference to life. The contrast of these two colors is eye-catching to viewers. If the background was white, and the text black, people probably wouldn't have glanced twice at it. The image of shoes in the ad shows that when you wear these particualar shoes, you will go through adventures and get a little dirty on the way, but in the end it'll be worth it. The light shining on the shoes reminded me of a halo effect, like the shoes are angels, or the person who wears them will be a hero. By alluding to television forensics shows, the ad draws people in, since much of the population watch t.v. Also, there are so many crime investigation shows that people are bound to have flipped through them at some point. Plus, if YOU wear the shoes, YOU might solve a crime! The ad used a cause and effect argument. It demonstrated that if you wear these shoes and run then you will live an exciting lifestyle and always be on edge.
The value of determination is promoted in this ad. The dirty shoes show that if you work hard, it will all be worth it in the end. The ad discourages being lazy, and taking the easy way out to do things.
Pearl Izumi draws attention to both the runner and the jogger in this add, and does alienate the "jogging" population. He makes a point to say that joggers are ordinary and dont take chances. This could be an advantage to encourage joggers to start running, but i see it more of a detriment because a lot of people could be offended if they were called ordinary or boring. Some people have body issues and can't run, so what are they suppose to do?
The appeal of Pathos is most strongest to me in this ad. After reading the ad, i felt rather shunned because i'm not a runner. But then again, the ad made me laugh too because of how serious and intense the colors, images, etc. made it.

If i could choose only one ad to run in a magazine i would choose the "I am what I am" ad. This ad is not as time consuming to read, and gets straight to the point. The first ad was far more interesting to me though, but people on the go dont have time to read a huge paragraph of information, then analyze it. This ad seems more effective because it appeals to everyone. It's not blunt, and doesn't excluding the jogging population like the previous ad. It emphasizes a calmer approach to running, and says to "run easy", not to run like a mad man to find dead bodies. I believe that far more people could relate to this ad than they could the other.
Since I dont run, i kind of wanted to brush aside the ad. Why would it be important to me? However, i was curious to see what kind of point Pearl Izumi was trying to make. It seemed like he calling joggers weak and runners strong, which is a pretty blunt and potentially offensive statement to some people.
The background of the ad is black, which reminded me of death, and the text is white, which i thought could be an reference to life. The contrast of these two colors is eye-catching to viewers. If the background was white, and the text black, people probably wouldn't have glanced twice at it. The image of shoes in the ad shows that when you wear these particualar shoes, you will go through adventures and get a little dirty on the way, but in the end it'll be worth it. The light shining on the shoes reminded me of a halo effect, like the shoes are angels, or the person who wears them will be a hero. By alluding to television forensics shows, the ad draws people in, since much of the population watch t.v. Also, there are so many crime investigation shows that people are bound to have flipped through them at some point. Plus, if YOU wear the shoes, YOU might solve a crime! The ad used a cause and effect argument. It demonstrated that if you wear these shoes and run then you will live an exciting lifestyle and always be on edge.
The value of determination is promoted in this ad. The dirty shoes show that if you work hard, it will all be worth it in the end. The ad discourages being lazy, and taking the easy way out to do things.
Pearl Izumi draws attention to both the runner and the jogger in this add, and does alienate the "jogging" population. He makes a point to say that joggers are ordinary and dont take chances. This could be an advantage to encourage joggers to start running, but i see it more of a detriment because a lot of people could be offended if they were called ordinary or boring. Some people have body issues and can't run, so what are they suppose to do?
The appeal of Pathos is most strongest to me in this ad. After reading the ad, i felt rather shunned because i'm not a runner. But then again, the ad made me laugh too because of how serious and intense the colors, images, etc. made it.

If i could choose only one ad to run in a magazine i would choose the "I am what I am" ad. This ad is not as time consuming to read, and gets straight to the point. The first ad was far more interesting to me though, but people on the go dont have time to read a huge paragraph of information, then analyze it. This ad seems more effective because it appeals to everyone. It's not blunt, and doesn't excluding the jogging population like the previous ad. It emphasizes a calmer approach to running, and says to "run easy", not to run like a mad man to find dead bodies. I believe that far more people could relate to this ad than they could the other.
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